How to monitor digital activity

Goaaaaalll! We all love it when a goal is scored. Just like in Football, goals in the digital industry can be an expensive business when they’re not met. That’s why in this blog entry we identify the importance of goal tracking in your digital marketing activities.

Most businesses engage in digital marketing activities like Google Paid Advertising, Facebook Paid Advertising, SEO activities and so on. However, as mentioned above this can quickly become a drain on the finances if not managed, monitored and measured effectively. Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are critical and are a great way of allowing you to measure the success of your digital marketing activities. This can be done by noting down exactly what your goals are, and what you are hoping to achieve.

For example, let’s say you are a business looking to sell more products online so set up a series of Facebook Adverts in the hope of helping you achieve this. Some Key Performance Indicators that you are on the way to attaining this goal could include increased page views, increased engagement on your ads, longer time spent on the page and of course increased checkouts. Luckily, the Facebook advertising dashboard provides you with a lot of information allowing you to monitor this. Along with the Ad spend, you can see how much your CPC is (how much it is costing you each time someone clicks on your advert), your click through rate (the percentage of people seeing the advert, clicking the advert and coming through to your landing page) and even the number of conversions attained if you set your campaign up this way.

Google analytics is also a useful tool that can help you monitor your goals and KPIs. Google analytics can provide you with insights on how long users are spending on your website and individual pages, how they are arriving on those pages and what actions they are taking when on those pages. Statistics like these, combined with Facebook statistics can be a great indication as to whether you are achieving your goals. It is important to monitor and report on your digital efforts to see how they are impacting your business. For example, if you can see that your CPC is quite high, you can look at making amends to your campaign so that you can reduce the spend and hopefully improve your return on investment.

Google analytics is a sophisticated tool that can be critical to measuring your success. If you need help setting up your goal tracking, then contact Carrick today.